Barbeque Briquette


Saindo Barbeque Charcoal Briquettes is the CHIEFS close companion and helper in dishing out good charred food out to the customers table. We understand Barbeque Needs and design our product to be EASY USE, QUICK LIGHT , LONG BURNING , STRONG HEAT and FATTY OIL RESISTANT. The Chief needs good and stable heat to char his barbeque the coconut charcoal gives this highheat and it doesn’t switch off when fatty oil from the meat drops on to the burning charcoal as the high heat burns thru it. The easy light feature helps in reloading the barbeque furnace by simply adding more SAINDO CHARCOAL it will take the heat from previously lit briquettes and light up. In The case of our Hexagonal Barbeque Products since this Product has higher compression it will take slightly longer to light up and has longer life as well.

SAINDO customizes the shapes of the briquettes according to the market requirement since we understand every country that uses charcoal grill are driven by different dishes and eating requirement .This in turn requires different cooking and cooking equipment’s to achieve the desired result on its dishes . OUR STRENGTH IS CUSTOMIZING the product according to buyers needs.

This is the Unique Role SAINDO plays in the industry besides being a factory that connects the FARM TO THE TABEL . Our products are Green and Renewable Barbeque Charcoal.


SAINDO CHARCOAL is a holistic charcoal industry that supports its coconut copra farmers.

We produce charcoal from coconut shells which is green renewable energy , the charcoal produced from the coconut shells is a crucial income sustainer for our coconut farmers . The complete Holistic package in the mission of SAINDO is achieved thru our coconut shell charcoal business.

The Coconut shell charcoal is a Bio fuel that produces 7000-7300 calorific value of heat. This creates a good product when used for Shisha Charcoal , Barbeque Charcoal and Biomass Charcoal.

SAINDO produces high quality finished product on OEM basis for buyers from more than 13 Countries around the world. Our Manufacturing Facility is located in SURBAYA ,we adopt high and strict quality assurance and traceability measures. Our Unique selling point is that we continuously innovate and upgrade our product and strive to be market leaders thru Quality.


SAINDO Coconut shell charcoal is naturally manufactured without chemicals and with user friendly methode. Our Carbonizeing process achieves around 400 degrees and carbonizes the coconut shells to +\- 79-82% carbon content and +\-12-15% volatile matter. Finding a balance in the volume of yield vs quality were some of our initial challenges and our current success formula in making premium raw material used in producing our high-quality Shisha Charcoal, Barbeque Charcoal and Biomass Charcoal.

We train farmers and provide them with skills and simple equipments to achieve the desired quality of rawmaterial as per SAINDO STANDARD. Every Farmer group is closely monitored by our PROCUREMENT TEAM that functions more like an Account representative for the farmers. A monthly Target with a reward and penalty system is fixed to motivate farmers to supply the desired quantity and quality.
To Support Success of our Supply Chain Strategy we open central warehouses at source where farmers deliver rawmaterials to be further inspected by our QUALITY ASSURANCE TEAM.
We work as partners with hundreds of farmer group as part of our sustainable supply chain management.

Every increase in Production capacity would mean an increase in additional Location and Farmer Groups that we get to touch, Hence the more we produce the more families are stabilized thru our holistic system.
“GIVE TO GET” has given us the edge in our sustainable supply and also the support behind our expansion programes. with raw material stability we are now focused in opening new markets and getting new buyers to partner in their OEM supply.